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Energy Storage Incentive: Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifying technologies are limited to battery energy storage systems approved for use in NYC by all relevant authorities having jurisdiction. Thermal energy storage systems, zinc storage systems, and vehicle-to-grid technologies are not eligible.

NYPA supplied customers or those who do not pay the System Benefit Charge are eligible to participate. Aggregators are not allowed to participate; all projects will be reviewed and evaluated at an individual site level.

View the eligibility chart for additional detail
No. We require first right of dispatch for the entirety of the guaranteed load reduction amount during the summer performance period. Participation in other Con Edison incentive programs, including, but not limited to Demand Reduction Value (DRV) and Locational System Relief Value (LSRV), Smart Usage Rewards is not allowed while under a Non-Wires Solutions contract. All projects will be able to receive Value of Distributed Energy Resources compensation under a Non-Wires Solutions contract.
The program has target percentages for each project type. These will be regularly updated on the website as projects are accepted into the program. Currently, we are limiting each developer to receive up to 5 MW of load relief funding for this program. One developer can have multiple projects in multiple locations, assuming all projects add up to a total of 5 MW. Please submit each project separately.
For front-of-the-meter projects connected to the network areas, the local reliability standard is N-2. For systems connected to the non-network areas, the local reliability standard is N-1. The Coordinated Electric System Interconnection Review study results will provide further information on requirements for interconnection to meet the local reliability standards.
Yes. The first summer a project is able to perform will be the first summer performance period out of 10 total, provided that this is on or before May 2026. Projects online after May 2026 will not be eligible for any program incentives.
No. We are not able to provide vendor or customer lists. We can confirm if an identified potential customer or address is within the eligible network.
The application queue is first come, first reviewed. We will be issuing preliminary incentive offer letters (PIOL) upon approval of the application.
For front-of-the-meter systems requiring new service, include the previous account number associated with the location and current property owner. If this is not available, a valid customer address is sufficient. The contact information of the landowner/customer where the battery energy storage system is sited should be used for customer/account holder. Please do not leave these fields blank.
Yes. Systems that are online, operational, and can prove performance as per the Performance Verification Plan by May 1, 2025, will receive a bonus of 10% on the installation payment.
Con Edison requires real-time access to 15-minute interval data of the battery energy storage system. A smart meter will be used and remote access to inverter telemetry is required. A new meter is not necessarily required if the customer is already equipped with a Con Edison smart meter. For further details, please consult the Performance Verification Plan.
Updated: October 24, 2022