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Gas Leak: Frequently Asked Questions

If you smell gas, leave the area immediately. Once you're safe, call 911 or 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633) to report the leak.*

Do not light matches, start your car, or use any electronic appliances that could spark and start a fire. (This includes telephones, ovens, household appliances, and even flashlights.)

*National Grid customers should call 911 or 1-718-643-4050.

Outside leaks can be caused by pipe corrosion or cracks resulting from weather or water main breaks. Leaks can also occur as the result of accidental damage caused by excavators or contractors during construction or street work.

Indoor leaks can be caused by faulty appliances, leaky pipe fittings, corroded or cracked pipes, or as the result of construction. It is not always easy to pinpoint the cause of a leak, and you should not investigate a suspected leak on your own. Our employees are trained and qualified in gas leak investigation and repair; they will respond quickly and make the area safe.

Whether you report an odor to 911 or 1-800-75-CONED, we will respond and make the area safe. We have mechanics working 24/7 with an average response time of 22 minutes. Our mechanics will be able to further advise you after they assess the leak. If the leak is in your home or business, we will make it safe. If the problem lies in your privately owned gas or piping equipment, we will turn off the gas until you can have a plumber or technician make the necessary repairs.

In all situations, Con Edison crews will be dispatched to the affected area to ensure safety.

If the leak is indoors, we will turn off the gas until the necessary repairs can be made.

If the leak is outdoors, the gas usually evaporates into the outside air, which poses less of a safety hazard. Our crews check the condition of all gas leaks and determine which need to be repaired immediately and which need to be monitored depending on the situation, severity of the leak, and proximity to buildings.

In accordance with both state and federal guidelines, we check all of our gas mains about once a month, and all streets within our service territory once a year. Our mobile leak-detection truck conducts 12 additional surveys per year to cover all 4,300 miles of our gas mains.

The Gas Leak Map plots all reported, outdoor gas leaks within our service territory. It is updated every 24 hours and reflects all confirmed leaks currently under repair and/or monitoring.

If you notice a leak on the map, but don't smell gas, you can check the details in the Gas Leak Map to see when the leak was last inspected. If it appears on the map, we are aware of it, we've already made it safe, and we will continue to inspect the cause and monitor its status in order to ensure safety.

Type 1
Leak requires continuous attention until the leak is made safe, and daily inspection until permanent repairs are completed.

Type 2
Leak poses no immediate threat to people or property. Frequency of further inspection is dependent on the amount of gas and the location of the leak. Repairs must be made within six months to a year.

Type 3
Leak poses no hazard to people or property. Inspection must occur annually to ensure safety, but no repairs are required.

There are more than 4,300 miles of underground gas pipes in our service territory. To avoid inadvertently damaging a pipe during an excavation or home improvement project, call 811 at least two days before you break ground. After you call, we will mark the approximate location of all lines at no cost to you.

While the leaks indicated on the map do not present a public safety risk, there is need for environmental concern. The primary ingredient in natural gas is methane, a greenhouse gas. We have been working to reduce methane emissions from our natural gas distribution system by repairing leaks and replacing gas mains throughout our service territory. We have seen a 27.5% reduction in methane emissions since 2005. We are also engaged in studies with the Environmental Defense Fund and other experts to improve methods for quantifying methane emissions from gas leaks and prioritize repairs with the goal of accelerating the pace of methane emission reductions on our system. For more information on methane emissions and our work with the Environmental Defense Fund, view Con Edison's sustainability report.