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Hundreds of Con Edison Employees and Families to March In WorldPride Stonewall 50

More than 300 Con Edison employees and their families will walk in this Sunday’s WorldPride Stonewall 50 march in Manhattan. The employees have adopted the theme #LoveIsPower in recognition of the historic event and their work in powering New York City and Westchester County.

“We live and work in one of the most diverse cities in the world and our workforce reflects that,” said Nicole Leon, Con Edison’s director of Diversity and Inclusion. “Marching in the parade gives us an opportunity to simultaneously celebrate our employees and the communities we serve.”


A Con Edison Box Truck, which carries equipment to help replace gas mains and services, will also be part of the parade caravan. Employees have dubbed the truck “The Pride Box Truck” for the festivities. To learn more about the vehicle and how it is being prepared for the parade click here. Also, during the march the employees will pass out rainbow flags, bracelets and pins.

Con Edison is also sponsoring Youth Pride on June 29, the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project, which leads educational tours of iconic LGBT sites in New York City.

“We are proud to power the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project’s new walking tour experiences,” said Hilary Ayala, Con Edison’s director of Strategic Partnerships. “During Pride Month and year-round, these self-guided walking tours will deepen people’s connection with important LGBT and American history here in New York, and reveal the breadth of LGBT people’s contributions to the city and our culture.”

You can follow Con Edison’s participation in WorldPride Stonewall 50 via social media using the hash tag #LoveIsPower.

List of employees in order of appearance in raw SOTs:

  • Christina Ho, Vice-President Customer Service,
  • Orange & Rockland Robert Rodriguez, Section Manager,
  • Con Edison Marcia Cummings, Senior Specialist,
  • Con Edison Charles Tienken, Construction Services,
  • Con Edison Sidney Alvarez, Media Relations,
  • Con Edison Nicole Leon, Director,
  • Con Edison Jennifer Flynn, Manager,

Con Edison Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. [NYSE: ED], one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $12 billion in annual revenues and $55 billion in assets. The utility delivers electricity, natural gas and steam to 3.5 million customers in New York City and Westchester County, N.Y. For financial, operations and customer service information, visit
