Emergency Power Shutoff: Frequently Asked Questions
Extreme stress on the grid, whether from intense heat and very high energy use or from severe storms, can overload cables and other energy delivery equipment and lead to power outages.
To limit outages and bring back power as fast as possible, we may need to temporarily shut off power to customers who are served by strained or damaged equipment. Smart meter technology enables us to turn off only the customers served by that equipment. This targeting technology limits the number of outages and their duration.
Shutting off power is our last resort. When we face problems on our systems, we take steps such as reducing voltage in power lines; cooling overheated transformers; running generators, and asking customers to reduce their electric use.
When we shut off power, it’s only to protect the grid from further damage and avoid outages to more customers and/or longer outages.
We’ll communicate restoration information as soon as we get it—by emails, texts, and calls —using the contact information we have on file. Make sure your information is up to date now at conEd.com/YourInformation.
You can also look for restoration information by entering an address on conEd.com/OutageMap.
Whenever possible, we will contact you in advance using the contact information we have on file. But sometimes, in an emergency, our operators need to make quick decisions to shut off power to avoid more widespread outages. If that happens, we will text, call or email you and let you know when you can expect your power to be back.
Update your contact information