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Savings for Commercial Industrial Customers

Lower your energy use, cut maintenance costs, and boost your bottom line by upgrading to energy-efficient equipment.

Submit an interest form


We provide cash rebates and incentives for energy efficiency projects. This way your business can afford state-of-the art equipment that improves operations and saves energy and money.  
This step makes your building more marketable and enhances your brand’s image as a sustainability leader. Plus, it ensures you’re up to code with local laws.  


Bonus Incentives


Bonus Incentive



Advanced Control


Building Envelope


Waste Heat Recovery

Bonus Incentive

Advanced Controls for Heating Electrification - Up to 30%


Building Envelope - Up to 20%


Waste Heat Recovery - Up to 25%



- Installation and required documents must be completed by May 31, 2025. 

- Projects must pass post-inspection by July 31, 2025.


Steam Trap Replacement


Custom Gas Measures


Custom Electric


VFDs - Prescriptive

Bonus Incentive

Steam Trap Replacement – Up to 33%


Custom Gas Measures – Up to 60%


Custom Electric – Up to 28%


Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) – Prescriptive – Up to 31%



- Project application package must be submitted between December 1, 2024 – May 1, 2025

- Installation and required documents must be completed by June 30, 2025

- Projects must pass post-inspection by July 31, 2025

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Ways to Save





Prescriptive Rebate* 


Get a fixed incentive rate for installing energy efficient equipment.


  • - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
  • - Refrigeration
  • - Steam Trap Repair
  • - Linear Pipe Insulation
  • - Variable Frequency Drives
  • - Chiller Replacements
  • - Boiler Replacements


Custom Rebate* 


Install custom projects to get incentives based on the amount of energy (kWh or therms) you save each year.


  • - Building Management System Upgrades and Controls
  • - Chiller Plant Optimization
  • - Building Envelope
  • - Demand Controlled Ventilation

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* Rates can be found in the Program Manual

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Buildings in select neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens may be eligible to receive an additional $2,000 per kW saved, up to 100% of each measure cost, and up to 100% of the total project cost. Get more information about the Neighborhood Program.


Revise los siguientes requisitos de elegibilidad:

  • El cliente no debe haber solicitado ni recibido un incentivo de la Autoridad de Investigación y Desarrollo Energético del Estado de Nueva York (NYSERDA), Con Edison u otra compañía de energía para el mismo proyecto.
  • El proyecto debe realizarse en una instalación existente, ya sea una modernización o una renovación total.
  • Los equipos se instalarán una vez que el cliente haya firmado y enviado la carta de oferta de incentivo (IOL) preliminar de Con Edison y después de que haya permitido una inspección previa a la instalación y haya recibido un Aviso para proceder de Con Edison.
  • El cliente de Con Edison registrado en la solicitud es un cliente comercial o industrial con medición directa.

El Programa de iluminación eficiente redujo los costos de energía relacionados con la iluminación hasta en un 90 %. Obtenga más información sobre su incentivo. Ahorre hasta un 15 % en iluminación hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2024. Debe enviar un proyecto de iluminación antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024; para enviar un proyecto después de esa fecha, visite el Programa de incentivos de iluminación instantánea. 

Consulte el Manual del programa para ver la lista completa de requisitos de elegibilidad.

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Get Started


Step 1

Find a contractor.

Step 2

Complete an application.

Step 3

Reference the guides.
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View tools and guides to estimate savings, learn more about incentives, and complete your application.

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