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FAQs for Share My Data Third-Party Companies

A feature in My Account that allows customers to approve and automate the secure transfer of their own energy usage data to authorized third parties. Customers no longer have to log in to their online account to repeatedly download and send their data. Instead, they can authorize your company to access their Con Edison energy data automatically and repeatedly using Share My Data.

Share My Data inspires new ways for customers to manage and ultimately reduce their energy usage. This solution is the next step in an effort to provide standardized access to customer energy data that will unlock the next generation of conservation solutions.

Registration is an offline process. You will have to fill out a registration form and send it directly to Con Edison. Registration will be created by Con Edison on the Third-Party’s behalf.
Customers may authorize third parties to view their data via the Con Edison website or through your third-party website.
  • Protecting customer information is a top priority for Con Edison. Con Edison treats information about their customers—including personal information—as confidential, consistent with all legal and regulatory requirements, including those established by the New York Public Utilities Commission and others.
  • Once a customer authorizes the release of data, it is the customer’s and Third-Party’s responsibility to protect that data.
  • A customer can elect to stop sharing data with a Third-Party at any time by logging in to their Con Edison online account and cancelling their authorization.
As part of a customer's authorization allowing you to access their data, the historical period for authorization will be defaulted to two years.
If you haven’t utilized Green Button Connect My Data® recently, your authorization may have been withdrawn. Data authorization will be revoked if a third-party vendor is inactive for more than 45 days.