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Progresión del recorrido de diversidad, equidad e inclusión

Cambiar la cultura, los comportamientos y la mentalidad requiere un enfoque y un esfuerzo constantes y deliberados. Fomentar un entorno diverso, equitativo e inclusivo no es un destino final sino un recorrido en constante evolución, ya que todo el tiempo buscamos satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra fuerza laboral y lugar de trabajo dinámicos y diversos. Con Edison se embarcó en el recorrido hacia la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión hace varios años. Estamos orgullosos del progreso que hemos tenido. Sin embargo, sabemos que el trabajo debe continuar.

Changing culture, behaviors, and mindset requires consistent and deliberate focus and effort. Fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment is not a final destination but an ever-evolving journey, as we consistently look to meet the needs of our dynamic and diverse workforce and workplace. Con Edison embarked on the journey toward diversity, equity, and inclusion several years ago. We are proud of the progress we have made. But we know the work must continue.

Here, we offer a glimpse of our journey to date:

Focus on Compliance (Pre-2015)

  1. Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) legislation and policies and training programs
  2. DEI discussed in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity

Laying the Foundation (2015–2017)

  1. DEI vision, mission, and strategy communicated to all employees
  2. Equity, harassment prevention, and minimizing and eliminating discrimination now part of DEI strategy
  3. Expanded organizational structure and resources for DEI
  4. DEI professional on the executive management team
  5. The DEI function headed by a leader with D&I and strong organizational development/ learning expertise
  6. Executive DEI Council engaged in advancing the DEI vision, mission, and strategy
  7. DEI competency assessments for leadership team and employees
  8. Developed structured DEI implementation plan for each organization
  9. Broad definition of DEI includes visible, non-visible, inherent, and acquired dimensions
  10. Basic training to build DEI awareness, knowledge, and understanding enterprise-wide

Building Cultural Competence (2017 to 2020)

  1. DEI learning and education, to include issues of unconscious bias, racism, and bystander intervention
  2. Leadership engagement and accountability for DEI initiatives
  3. Leadership roundtables
  4. Increased DEI focus in talent acquisition and development discussions, career advancement, and succession management processes
  5. Dedicated talent advisors to identify and support diverse applicant pool and pipeline
  6. Communication about DEI is visible, engaging, frequent, and supports DEI strategy
  7. Organizations implement DEI training goals to drive accountability
  8. Growth of ERG networks and local DEI councils
  9. DEI is seen as a core organizational value
  10. Cross-functional team focused on gender equity

Advancing an Equitable & Inclusive Culture (2020 to Present)

  1. Focus on DEI metrics to guide decisions
  2. Task Force to examine talent management practices and create plans to eliminate inequities and reduce barriers to inclusion
  3. DEI metrics linked to executive compensation
  4. Heightened focus on equitable representation of underrepresented groups across functions and levels
  5. Employee forums to encourage open dialogue of social justice issues
  6. Playbook designed and implemented to support managers to conduct courageous conversations
  7. Diversity networks—Local councils, Task Force teams, and ERGs—champion DEI and DEI initiatives; and are recognized as valued resources to the organization
  8. Compensation is reviewed for equity and fairness
  9. Recognized link between DEI and sustainability
  10. Organizational stance on societal issues related to achieving equity and justice for underrepresented groups
  11. Continued expansion of supplier diversity program and spend with underrepresented suppliers
  12. Company more widely recognized externally for DEI efforts
  13. DEI survey is conducted on the overall organization progress
  14. Completed the roll out of the 14-Point Action Plan
Desarrollado a partir de Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (Puntos de referencia de diversidad, equidad e inclusión global: estándares para organizaciones de todo el mundo) © 2017 Julie O'Mara and Alan Richter. Utilizado con autorización. Todos los derechos reservados.