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Long-Range Plan for the Clean Energy Transition

Our proactive and transformational Long-Range Plan represents a major step forward in our commitment to meeting New York State and City’s ambitious clean-energy goals and getting to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.


Our Long-Term Clean Energy Strategy

Dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires fundamental changes in how energy is sourced, delivered, and consumed.

Our 10-Year Plan

Over the next 10 years, we plan to invest in significant energy infrastructure and customer investments to achieve the clean-energy future our customers expect and deserve.

Clean Energy

Transform the Energy Supply:

  • Connect and balance new renewable generation
  • Develop and facilitate energy storage
  • Invest in zero-emission generation to achieve 100% clean energy by 2050
  • Facilitate the retirement of fossil-fueled power plants
  • Support the development of low-to-zero carbon gaseous fuels

Enable a Fundamental Change in Energy Consumption:

  • Accelerate customer adoption of energy efficiency, EVs, and decarbonized heating
  • Enable the market for clean energy solutions
  • Prepare electric infrastructure for more electric usage

Select outcomes:

  • 6 GW of offshore wind
  • Up to 800K EVs
  • Up to 10% of space heating electrified

Climate Resilience

We will harden energy infrastructure and assets against projected climate conditions to prevent outages, modify system design and flexibility to reduce customer service disruptions, and make operating improvements to shorten recovery timeframe in response to extreme weather.

Provides protection against:

  • Nearly 3 times more 95°F days
  • Up to 3 feet of sea level rise
  • Wind impacts via undergrounding

Core Service

We’re working to improve employee and public safety, mitigate potential physical and cyber threats, maintain the high level of reliability our customers expect, and promote diversity and inclusion to bring our best and do our best. We’re transitioning to clean energy by targeting multi-value investments, focusing on operating efficiency, and prioritizing affordability for low- and moderate-income customers.

Select outcomes:

  • Power interruption avoidance 8 times better than national average
  • Total case incident rate below 1%
  • Enhanced cyber and data security

Customer Engagement

Our customer service investments are integrated with all other investments.